Katrina Badger
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Katrina Badger, MPH, MSW, is a program officer with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation focusing on efforts to support healthy, equitable communities. At the heart of this work is creating social, economic, and environmental conditions that allow communities and their residents to thrive. She brings a particular focus on marginalized communities and populations. Currently, Badger is engaged in the Foundation’s work to understand the unique opportunities and challenges of supporting thriving rural communities and regions where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
As a Fulbright Fellow, Badger conducted qualitative research with HIV-positive lay health workers in rural Thailand. She earned her MPH and MSW from Tulane University and a BA in Anthropology from Howard University. Having grown up in the Vale, an intentional community on a land trust in small-town Ohio, and now residing in Yardley, Pa., community, family and the outdoors are her greatest joys in life.