Savannah Barrett
Art of the Rural
Savannah Barrett is the Exchange Director for Art of the Rural and Co-founder of the Kentucky Rural-Urban Exchange. She has served as an Advisor for the Bush Foundation, the Center for Performance and Civic Practice, the Robert Gard Foundation, the Art of Community: Rural S.C., and Freedom Maps: Activating Legacies of Art, Culture, and Activism in the U.S. South. She holds a Masters of Arts Management from the University of Oregon, and was an inaugural Muhammad Ali Scholar at the University of Louisville. Savannah is a twelfth generation Kentuckian and was raised in Grayson Springs, Kentucky, where she co-founded a local arts agency in high school and now stewards six acres of her home-place.
To read Savannah's Though Leadership Project - Healing the Rural-Urban Divide– One Relationship at a Time - look below.